with Confidence!

Faith-based Career Coaching for Stay-at-Home Moms

Identify Your Skills

Learn how to match your talents and abilities with job requirements.

Make a Career Plan

Create a resume and get the tools you need to apply for jobs in today's market.

Get Your Dream Job

Confidently network, interview, and get the NEXT job you were born to do.

She's Back!

(and better than ever)

A woman does not stop learning, growing, and developing when she's home raising children. Nor does her pre-mom knowledge and experience evaporate when she makes that choice. So time spent out of the workforce shouldn't count against her if she wants to return. 

The messiness of life that happens while away from traditional places of employment often catalyzes growth in new and unexpected ways. Once identified and appreciated, the skills and evolved interests gained during a supposed career "pause" often become the qualifications needed to re-enter the workforce with confidence and a new sense of purpose.

How This Works


Identify Your Skills

Through the coaching style of your choice, we help you identify the things you excel at, are naturally good at, and are driven to do.


Turn Your Insights Into Action

Based on your strengths, interests, and aspirations, we create a custom career plan with the steps needed to find your ideal job.


Get the Career of Your Dreams

With a plan in place, we keep you moving toward the career you were born to do--because that's what we were born to do.

No more saying, "I'm just a mom" or "I have no skills"

Each of us has unique talents and abilities that we MUST develop to bless our families, serve others, and build up His kingdom. For some women, a paycheck is also involved.

Re-entering the workforce after raising children.

"I am so grateful to Shelley for helping me restructure my resume after taking a break from my career to raise my children. She helped me highlight experiences and skills that were transferable to my professional role and ultimately led to my re-entry into the workforce."

Elizabeth Brathwaite

Social Worker and

School Counselor


"Shelley Helped Me Push Beyond Limiting Beliefs..."

push OUTSIDE OF MYSELF AND beyond my limiting beliefs

At times I was tempted to think I was only capable and deserving of less, but Shelley’s confidence in all of my talents and experiences helped me push outside of myself and beyond my limiting beliefs.

I recently landed my dream job where work feels like play, and I couldn’t be more perfectly matched with a team or a company! 

Kristy S.

sahm to Online Instructional Designer

workbook key to re-entering the workforce

Shelley {Faithful Career Moves} has created an inspired website that provided the tools I needed to focus and reflect on changes I wanted to make affecting my family and my career. Her workbook and podcast are key for any woman wanting to re-enter the workforce, go back to school or start a career, again! I’m so grateful for her invaluable assistance

Mandy W.

SAHM Currently enrolled in grad school

achieve something i didn't know i was capable of

Shelley Hunter is a skilled career coach, instilling confidence in others and helping them meet and go beyond what they believe is possible.

Throughout the process, she guides and shares and inspires through spiritual strength and developed faith.  It's remarkable how she helped me achieve something I didn't even know I was capable of. What a gifted and talented woman!

Cindy W.

former teacher, now consultant

Meet Shelley Hunter

I've Been Where You Are

I left an 11-year career as a FinTech programmer to be unapologetically home with my kids. I made my way back to full-time employment (working from home) by being flexible, networking, working freelance, and proving myself over and over again.

You shouldn't have to work as hard as I did.

Learn more about Shelley.

That "gap" on your resume isn't a PAUSE in your career.

It's a PART of your career.

The women who say, "I have no skills," are often the very same women  who lead organizations at church, host art shows at the school, chair fundraising committees in the community, organize opening day jamborees for the baseball league, run the school booster program, and more. 

Many of these women have college degrees and former professional experience. Still, having been home changing diapers for over a decade, they have lost confidence in their abilities and think their credentials are no longer relevant.

That's silly.

If you are actively engaged in your community, church, or other organizations, you are developing skills that rival traditional work experience. You are also picking up life experiences, giving you wisdom and perspective you may not have otherwise gained.

So, don't worry about that gap on your resume. This is your opportunity to newly decide, as a mature adult, what you want to be when you grow up. And you will also find that your time away from work gave you the exact training needed for this next chapter in your life.

That's exciting!

She loved my resume. You wizard! I stopped feeling desperate to find a job and just allowed myself to be lead to the next right thing. Thank you for that encouragement 🙌🏽

Teryn A.

Social Media and Customer Service

You Need 4 TOOLS to Get a Job in Today's Marketplace


SEO-Optimized, Accomplishments-Based RESUME


Updated LINKEDIN Profile and Active Presence


NETWORKING strategy to find the best jobs.


ANSWERS to the questions you're afraid will be asked

The techniques used in this coaching program are similar to what you might find in any career book or website. But covering the "gap" on a stay-at-home moms resume requires creativity (and confidence building!) generally not found in mainstream career resources.

Get Started Today!

Choose a Coaching Option



pdf workbook
DIY Workbook

For people who want a resource they can use at their own pace

What You Get

Downloadable PDF Workbook with examples and instructions on how to return to work with confidence.

  • 90-Page Workbook
  • Download Immediately
  • Start Today



coaching calls plus docs

For people who want to work directly with a professional coach

What You Get

Four one-hour coaching sessions where we develop the tools you need to return to work with confidence.

  • Zoom Coaching Calls
  • Completed Resume
  • Completed Cover Letter
  • LinkedIn Suggestions
  • Personalized Guidance
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Want the Workbook in Paperback? 

Buy it on Amazon 

Return to Work with Confidence

I cannot recommend this resource enough

I worked through the workbook and appreciated the guidance I received along the way as well as what I learned about myself and my abilities as I dove into the material. I cannot recommend this resource enough. Wherever you are on the path of employment, you will find great guidance spiritually and logically to help you find your way in the process.



Is My Approach Right for You?

Whether you're a recent graduate stepping into the job market for the first time or a seasoned professional looking to pivot into a new industry or anywhere in between, the foundation of a successful career move remains the same. 

You will need the same four essential tools:

  • A powerful accomplishments-based resume
  • A dynamic LinkedIn profile
  • Effective job search strategies
  • Authentic networking techniques 

My coaching process equips you with these tools, guiding you not just to accept any job but to find employment that aligns with your strengths, interests, and career goals. This approach ensures that no matter where you are in your career journey, you're prepared to make a move that is a leap toward fulfilling your potential.

What would these tools typically cost?

Professional Resume Writing Service - $950

Professional resume writing services charge up to $950 to create a basic resume that simply lists your job history in chronological order. That's not how we work. We help you identify your strengths, look for connections, and find the path you're already on. Then we show you how to write an accomplishments-based resume (optimized for SEO) that speaks to who you are and what you have to offer.

Outsourced LinkedIn Profile - $1250

Services that update your LinkedIn profile charge at least $1250 for a one-time revision. That's not how we work. Your LinkedIn profile should be more than just an online version of your resume. We teach you how to update your profile, keep it current, and use LinkedIn to network for positions professionally and productively.

Job Search with an Agency - $1800

Companies that do the finding for you charge more than $600 a month for at least 3 months to find opportunities and coach you through the interviews. That's a lot of money without a guarantee. We teach you how to use the tools and resources available to find jobs plus network with people in a way that feels authentic to you. We want you to understand how this works so you feel empowered to make more faithful career moves when the time is right.

That's a TOTAL VALUE of $4,000!

...but that's not what you'll pay.

Boost your career with faith-led insights!

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shelley hunter standing white wall

Shelley Hunter is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

Gallup Certification

Her Top 5 Strengths are: Achiever, Relator, Individualization, Responsibility, Connectedness